Why Settle for Less? Join the Winners with Our Top-Rated Digital Marketing Solutions!

Experts in Digital Strategy, Paid Media, SEO, Social Media, Creative, Email and More. Get ready to leave your competition in the dust

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Pioneers in Digital Excellence

Established in 2016 in New Jersey, VAREMAR has emerged as a dynamic, full-service digital marketing agency, infusing each project with innovation and personalized dedication.

Our mission at VAREMAR is to deliver exceptionally effective digital marketing solutions, ensure a top-tier customer experience, and reinvest our profits in the success of our clients, our team, and our community.

Known for our excellence, we partner with leading brands. At VAREMAR, we believe in building lasting relationships, responding with agility, and delivering results that exceed expectations.

Welcome to a world where your success is our passion.


Nico Sanchez

Virtual Assistant

Sheryl Warag

Systems Administrator

Jemelyn Cabatac

Administration/Accounting Manager

Harsh Aghera


Khan Shab


Chetan Harvara


Chiara Massucco

Graphic Designer

Priyank Goswami

Website and App Development Manager

Alejandra Cedeño

Client Success Manager

Jose Gaibor

Media Buyer

Brian Varela



Choose Us

Searching for a partner who truly understands your vision – one who can perceive your current standing and your ultimate goals as clearly as you do? Look no further than Varemar.

Our carefully curated team is dedicated to your success. In the intensely competitive landscape of your industry, where everyone seeks a larger slice of the profit pie, our clients thrive.

Dedicated Marketing Consultants

Our marketing consultants are dedicated to understanding your unique business needs. They work closely with you, becoming an extension of your team, ensuring that every strategy developed is a perfect fit for your business. Their commitment is to your growth and success.

Specialists in your industry
We know the importance of industry-specific expertise. Our team members have specialized knowledge in your particular field. This means we're well-equipped to understand your specific challenges and opportunities, offering solutions that are relevant and effective.
Flexible Terms, peace of mind

We recognize that business needs are dynamic. That's why our services are designed to be flexible, adapting to your evolving requirements. This approach provides you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your marketing strategies can grow and change with your business.

unwavering commitment to excellence

Our commitment is to deliver the best. Every solution we provide is crafted with a focus on quality and effectiveness. We're dedicated to exceeding your expectations, with a constant drive to improve and achieve the best results for your business.

Dedicated Marketing Consultants

Our marketing consultants are dedicated to understanding your unique business needs. They work closely with you, becoming an extension of your team, ensuring that every strategy developed is a perfect fit for your business. Their commitment is to your growth and success.

Specialists in your industry

We know the importance of industry-specific expertise. Our team members have specialized knowledge in your particular field. This means we're well-equipped to understand your specific challenges and opportunities, offering solutions that are relevant and effective.

Flexible Terms, peace of mind

We recognize that business needs are dynamic. That's why our services are designed to be flexible, adapting to your evolving requirements. This approach provides you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your marketing strategies can grow and change with your business.

unwavering commitment to excellence

Our commitment is to deliver the best. Every solution we provide is crafted with a focus on quality and effectiveness. We're dedicated to exceeding your expectations, with a constant drive to improve and achieve the best results for your business.

What can you expect

from Varemar ?

At VAREMAR, we’re not just marketers; we’re storytellers, digital artists, and your strategic partners in success. Our goal is to assist you in tackling challenges:

Low traffic on your website?

Our solution targets this core issue by providing bespoke SEO strategies, designed to enhance your online visibility in search engine results.

Our focus extends beyond just attracting visitors; we aim to convert these visitors into leads and ultimately, loyal customers.

By optimizing your website’s presence in search results, we help capture the right audience and transform your site into a dynamic tool for lead generation and revenue growth

Worried that your PPC budget isn't being used effectively?

Don’t let your advertising budget go to waste. Our team of skilled paid advertising professionals is here to enhance your bidding strategy and fine-tune your ad targeting. This approach ensures you achieve the greatest possible return on your ad spend.

We’ll adjust your ads to reach your audience more effectively, ensuring every dollar of your paid ad budget is used to its fullest potential!

Is your website falling short in generating the desired number of leads?

We specialize in filling your pipeline with high-quality leads. Elevate your lead generation game with our bespoke digital marketing strategies, crafted to align seamlessly with your objectives and financial plan.

Our strategies are designed to connect you with the audience that matters most to your business.

Are you struggling to make an impact with your social media presence?

VAREMAR specializes in creating personalized strategies that align with your brand’s unique identity and objectives. We focus on selecting the right platforms and crafting messages that resonate with your target audience.

Our team of skilled content creators will produce high-quality, engaging content that stands out. From stunning visuals to compelling narratives, we ensure your content captures attention and fosters engagement.

What can you expect

from Varemar ?

At VAREMAR, we’re not just marketers; we’re storytellers, digital artists, and your strategic partners in success. Our goal is to assist you in tackling challenges:
Low traffic on your website?

Our solution targets this core issue by providing bespoke SEO strategies, designed to enhance your online visibility in search engine results.

Our focus extends beyond just attracting visitors; we aim to convert these visitors into leads and ultimately, loyal customers.

By optimizing your website's presence in search results, we help capture the right audience and transform your site into a dynamic tool for lead generation and revenue growth

Worried that your PPC budget isn't being used effectively?

Don't let your advertising budget go to waste. Our team of skilled paid advertising professionals is here to enhance your bidding strategy and fine-tune your ad targeting. This approach ensures you achieve the greatest possible return on your ad spend.

We'll adjust your ads to reach your audience more effectively, ensuring every dollar of your paid ad budget is used to its fullest potential!

Is your website falling short in generating the desired number of leads?

We specialize in filling your pipeline with high-quality leads. Elevate your lead generation game with our bespoke digital marketing strategies, crafted to align seamlessly with your objectives and financial plan.

Our strategies are designed to connect you with the audience that matters most to your business.

Are you struggling to make an impact with your social media presence?

VAREMAR specializes in creating personalized strategies that align with your brand’s unique identity and objectives. We focus on selecting the right platforms and crafting messages that resonate with your target audience.

Our team of skilled content creators will produce high-quality, engaging content that stands out. From stunning visuals to compelling narratives, we ensure your content captures attention and fosters engagement.



Varemar offers a range of digital marketing services including SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, email marketing, content marketing, web design and development, online reputation management, and analytics and reporting.

We help grow your business by creating and executing customized digital marketing strategies that increase online visibility, drive traffic, engage your target audience, and ultimately convert leads into loyal customers.

Varemar stands out due to our personalized approach, industry-specific expertise, commitment to staying abreast of the latest digital trends, and our focus on measurable results and client satisfaction.

Absolutely. We have experience and resources to handle projects of all sizes, catering to the unique needs of both small businesses and large corporations.

We use a variety of metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, ROI, social media engagement, and search engine rankings to measure the success of our campaigns.

Our SEO approach involves comprehensive keyword research, optimizing website content and structure, building high-quality backlinks, and ongoing analysis to improve and maintain search engine rankings.

Yes, we provide custom website design and development services, ensuring your site is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for conversions and SEO.

We work with a diverse range of businesses across various industries, including retail, healthcare,education, technology, law, finance, and more.

The timeframe can vary based on the type of campaign, but typically, clients start seeing noticeable results within 3-6 months.

We conduct industry-specific research, analyze market trends, and understand your unique business challenges and goals to tailor strategies that fit your industry.

Yes, we provide regular reports detailing campaign performance, insights gained, and recommendations for future strategies.

We adhere to strict data protection policies and use secure methods for data handling and storage to ensure client data privacy and security.

Yes, we offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your website remains up-to-date, secure, and effective in meeting your business goals.

Costs are determined based on the scope and requirements of your project. We provide transparent pricing and discuss all costs upfront, with billing handled as per the agreed-upon terms.

How can I get started with Varemar’s services?

To get started, simply contact us through our website filling the form below, put your phone number , or email. We’ll schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and how we can help.


Website Design & Development

We understand that your website is often the first point of contact with potential customers, so we prioritize creating a user-friendly, visually appealing, and responsive design that reflects your brand’s identity and values. Our approach includes understanding your business goals, target audience, and the latest web design trends to create a site that offers a seamless user experience across all devices.

Application Design

Application Design service is focused on creating user-centric, intuitive, and visually appealing applications that meet your business needs and exceed user expectations. Understanding that the success of an app hinges on its design, we employ a user-first approach, prioritizing usability and the user experience (UX) in every aspect of the design process.

Reputation Management

Reputation Management service is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing your brand’s online reputation. In today’s digital age, how your brand is perceived online can significantly impact customer trust and business success. Our approach focuses on monitoring and influencing your online presence, addressing negative feedback constructively, and promoting positive content about your brand.

Email Marketing

Our Email Marketing service is designed to engage your audience through personalized and compelling content delivered directly to their inboxes. We focus on creating targeted email campaigns that resonate with your subscribers, whether it’s for nurturing leads, promoting new products, or building brand loyalty.


At our agency, we specialize in creating sophisticated ecommerce solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our approach is centered on developing a professional, high-performing online store that not only captures the essence of your brand but also offers an exceptional shopping experience for your customers.

Reporting & Analytics

Reporting & Analytics service is designed to provide you with deep insights into your digital marketing performance. We understand that data is key to making informed decisions, so we focus on delivering comprehensive and understandable analytics reports. Our approach involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) across your digital campaigns, from website traffic and user behavior to conversion rates and ROI.